It is a custom and tradition of the City Council to have an invocation and recital of the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the beginning of each Regular Meeting. Members of the audience are invited but not required to participate. The decision to participate is strictly a matter of personal choice. It has no bearing on matters to be considered by the City Council and will not affect the decisions to be made during this meeting.
The Mayor may present proclamations, recognize attendees or accomplishments, and make announcements regarding City events or other matters of interest to citizens including but not limited to listed items. There will be no Council discussion or votes on these matters.
- North Texas Community Cleanup Challenge, hosted by the North Central Texas Council of Governments
All items under this section are recommended for approval by a single motion of Council, without discussion. Council has had the opportunity to review each of these items at a previous Work Session, and approval of the consent agenda authorizes the City Manager or his designee to execute each item. The Mayor will announce the consent agenda and provide an opportunity for members of the audience, as well as Council, to request that any item be removed and considered separately.
1. |
a. |
Approve the minutes of the February 20, 2024, Regular Meeting. |
2. |
Approve the following bids:
a. |
Amendment to 2019 Bond Program Management Services |
Bid No. 0722-19 |
AECOM Technical Services, Inc. |
$980,000.00 |
This request is to provide additional professional services associated with delivering the 2019 Bond Program, as the current contract expires in September 2024. To maintain continuity and minimize disruption to the completion of projects, it is necessary for AECOM to provide additional program management and staff augmentation services in various capacities through December 2025. |
b. |
Change Order No. 1 to the Shiloh Road Widening from IH 635 to Kingsley Road Project |
Bid No. 0800-18 |
Ragel, Inc. |
-$892,628.57 |
The Shiloh Road Widening from IH 635 to Kingsley Road Project was completed on April 12, 2022 with $892,628.57 remaining on PO 27900. |
c. |
Replacement Tahoes for Garland Police Department |
Bid No. 0517-24 |
Reliable Chevrolet |
$874,215.44 |
This request is for sixteen (16) replacement 2024 Chevrolet Tahoe Police Pursuit Vehicles. |
d. |
Duck Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (DC WWTP) Filter Rehabilitation and UV Conversion Project |
Bid No. 0079-24 |
Crescent Constructors, Inc. |
$35,177,000.00 |
This request is to provide construction services for the installation of Cloth Filters and UV Disinfection System at Duck Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. The improvements include a new disk filter and UV disinfection structure. The project also includes plant water pump replacement, final effluent pump station pumps, a 30" pipe from primary effluent pump station to the final effluent pump station and coatings of various diameter DI pipes. An owner's contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. |
e. |
GP&L and TMPA Transmission and Substation Maintenance, Repair, and Construction Services Contract |
Bid No. 1225-20 |
Primoris T&D Services, LLC |
$2,000,000.00 |
This request is to obtain change order No. 1 to Blanket Services Contract 9704 issued to obtain transmission and substation maintenance, repair, and construction services. This change order is requested due to a significant increase in demand for GP&L and TMPA construction services. All expenses associated with TMPA will be reimbursed at 100%. |
f. |
Jupiter & Walnut Phase 2 Water & Wastewater Improvements |
Bid No. 0007-24 |
La Banda, LLC. |
$1,825,855.00 |
The purpose of this request is to provide construction services to replace approximately 3,450 linear feet of wastewater main replacement, including manholes and service laterals and 2,800 linear feet of water line replacement. The improvements are primarily located within the Village Plaza and Walnut Plaza shopping centers at Walnut Street and Jupiter Road as well as along adjacent alleys next to Lariat Lane, Centennial Drive, and Barnes Drive 7,220 linear feet of 6" wastewater main including manholes and service laterals. An owner contingency is included for any additional work or materials that may be required. The project also includes approximately 5,000 square yards of street, driveway, alley, sidewalk, asphalt, and curb replacement and 2,400 square yards of sodding.
g. |
GP&L Underground Feeder Crossing Change Order |
Bid No. 0422-23 |
The Fishel Company |
$74,534.74 |
This request is to obtain Change Order No. 1 to Purchase Order 34565 for labor services associated with the ground preparation of an underground feeder crossing at IH30 and Bass Pro Drive. During construction, a water main conflict was discovered resulting in the modification of the bore pit and increases to case bore and duct line footages. |
h. |
Construction Contract Award for the 2022 Paving, Water & Wastewater Improvements (Group 2) |
Bid No. 0311-24 |
A&M Construction and Utilities |
$1,422,751.00 |
This request is to award a construction contract to A&M Construction and Utilities, Inc. for construction of the 2022 Paving, Water, & Wastewater Improvements Group 2 Project. This project consists of water and wastewater improvements to four (4) streets located in Council District 3. The pavement will be reconstructed by Street Department in-house resources following completion of the utility construction. |
i. |
Helipad Construction |
Bid No. 0297-24 |
Nouveau Construction & Technology Services |
$577,653.89 |
This request is to provide for the construction of a new Helipad and taxiway to include approximately 2,100 SY of 6" Concrete Pavement, electrical wiring, conduit, in-ground lighting and fencing as part of the Heliport redevelopment effort. This provides for a second helipad for takeoffs and landings to/from the north to ensure safe operation. |
j. |
GP&L McCree to Shiloh 138kV Transmission Line Construction |
Bid No. 0406-24 |
Maslonka Powerline Services |
$2,530,521.97 |
This request is to obtain construction services for the upgrade of the GP&L McCree to Shiloh 138kV Transmission Line. This is part of the approved McCree to Shiloh 138kV Transmission Line Upgrade CIP project. An owner's contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. |
k. |
GP&L Girvin Switch Station Civil Site Development |
Bid No. 0321-24 |
DynaGrid Construction Group, LLC. |
$5,964,084.83 |
This request is to obtain earthwork, grading, and access road installation at the GP&L Girvin Switch Station construction site. This is part of the approved Girvin Switch Station CIP project. An owner's contingency is included for any additional work that may be required. |
l. |
GP&L and TMPA Transformer Services Contract Change Order |
Bid No. 1379-20 |
City Transformer Service |
$1,250,000.00 |
This request is to obtain change order No. 1 Blanket Services Contract 9740 for GP&L and TMPA transformer services. This change order is needed to accommodate extra capital expenses identified for GP&L and TMPA substations. Expenses associated with TMPA will be reimbursed at 100%.
m. |
Contract Award for Pavement Condition Index Survey Services |
Bid No. 0622-24 |
Roadway Asset Services, LLC |
$288,280.00 |
This request is to award a contract to Roadway Asset Services, LLC in the amount of $288,280.00 for conducting a pavement condition index (PCI) survey of the city's street and alley network. Key services to be provided include a complete survey of the city street network to assign condition scoring, budget scenario runs to assist with planning and programming street improvement projects, GIS data integration, and reporting dashboards. |
3. |
Consider an amendment to the Garland Development Code to create a tree mitigation fee reduction criteria. This item was reported and recommended by the Development Services Committee of the City Council during the February 19, 2024 City Council Work Session. Consideration to amend Section 4.61, "Administrative Approval of Alternative Compliance," of Article IV, "Tree Preservation & Mitigation," of the Garland Development Code. |
4. |
Fire Staffing Realignment Council is asked to consider approving a revision to the 23-24 Civil Service Classifications & Compensation Ordinance to reflect realignment of one (1) Firefighter vacancy which will be utilized to create an additional Battalion Chief/Fire Marshal. |
5. |
Ordinance Adopting FY 2023-24 Budget Amendment No. 1 Approve an ordinance amending the FY 2023-24 Annual Operating Budget for Budget Amendment No. 1, as presented at the February 19, 2024, Work Session. |
6. |
Notice of Intent to Issue Certificates of Obligation The Issuance of Certificates of Obligation will be used to fund a portion of the Council Approved 2024 Capital Improvement Program. |
Members of the audience may provide public comment in favor, in opposition or about any of the items for individual consideration. Anyone wishing to speak must fill out a speaker card (located at the entrance to the Council Chambers) and give it to the City Secretary in advance of the respective agenda item. Speakers are grouped by agenda item and will be called in the order of the agenda. All comments and testimony are to be presented from the podium. The Mayor may impose a time limit and may provide for rebuttal.
7. |
Hold public hearing(s) on the following zoning case(s): |
a. |
Consider a request by Jesus Arellano, proposing a zoning change from Agricultural (AG) District to Single-Family-Estate (SF-E) District to build a single-family home. The site is located at 1717 Ben Davis Road in District 1. Consider and take appropriate action on the application of Jesus Arellano, requesting approval of a Change in Zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Single-Family-Estate (SF-E) District. This property is located at 1717 Ben Davis Road. (District 1) (File Z 24-01) |
Members of the audience wishing to address issues not on the meeting agenda may have three minutes to speak. However, according to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Council is prohibited from discussing any item not on the posted agenda.
All Regular Meetings of the Garland City Council are broadcast live on CGTV, Time Warner Cable Channel 16 and Frontier FIOS TV 44. Meetings are rebroadcast at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesdays - Sundays. Live streaming and on-demand videos of the meetings are also available online at GarlandTX.tv. Copies of the meetings can be purchased through the City Secretary's Office (audio CD's are $1 each and DVD's are $3 each).