City of Lubbock, Texas Special City Council Meeting - Work Session July 18, 2024 |
City Council Chambers, Citizen Tower, 1314 Avenue K, Lubbock, Texas
City of Lubbock City Council Meetings are available to all persons regardless of disability. If you require special assistance, please contact the City Secretary's Office at (806)775-2061 or write to Post Office Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Note: On occasion the City Council may consider agenda items out of order.
5:30 p.m. - City Council convenes in City Council Chambers in Work Session regarding items for presentation and discussion on such issues that may require in-depth consideration by the City Council. |
1. | Citizen Comments - According to Lubbock City Council Rules, any citizen wishing to appear in-person before a regular meeting of the City Council, regarding any matter posted on the City Council Agenda below, shall complete the sign-up form provided at the meeting, no later than 5:30 p.m. on July 18, 2024. Citizen Comments provide an opportunity for citizens to make comments and express a position on agenda items. |
2. | Review and Discuss Adopted Lubbock City Council Priorities and Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Preparation. Topics may include: planning, goals, and budget priorities for the Lubbock City Council and the City of Lubbock, and the programs, expenditures and policies of the City Council and the City of Lubbock, including but not limited to the Lubbock City Charter, ARPA funding, annexation and growth, aquatics, substance abuse, municipal fees, transportation, infrastructure, solid waste, streets, Gateway Fund, Civic Center, Lubbock Animal Services, libraries, community engagement, capital improvements, facilities, parks and recreation, development services, legislative agenda, public safety, public health, public safety infrastructure, code enforcement, staffing levels, and future needs. This discussion may include a wide range of topics related to the programs, operations, and policies of the City Council and the City of Lubbock. Action may be taken by the City Council to give direction to the City Manager in regard to determining the priorities and goals discussed. |