- Development and Site Plan
The site plan (Exhibit C) reflects two (2) buildings for Elder Care - Independent Living Use. The eastern building will be three (3) and four (4) stories and the western building will be two (2) and three (3) stories. A total of 176 dwelling units are proposed for this development.
The GDC defines an Elder Care – Independent Living Use as " a facility in which five or more elderly (over 55 years of age) persons, regardless of legal relationship, live a mostly ambulatory lifestyle but who may need limited assistance with daily living activities."
- Parking
The GDC requires one (1) parking space per dwelling unit and the site plan (Exhibit C) complies with the required number of parking spaces. However, the GDC has a special covered parking standard for Elder-Care Independent Living. A minimum of fifty (50%) percent of the parking spaces must be covered and the applicant proposes thirty-one (31%) percent of the parking spaces to be covered.
- Building Height
The applicant proposes the base zoning to be Multi-Family-2 (MF-2) District. The GDC allows a maximum height of fifty (50) feet in the Multi-Family-2 (MF-2) District. The building elevations (Exhibit E) reflects the maximum height to be fifty-nine (59) feet. Building 1 is a combination of 3 and 4 stories. The northern portion mainly facing the residential side will remain 3 stories (approximately 42 feet in height) and the portion facing West Centerville Road will be 4 stories (approximately 58 feet in height).
Building 2 is a combination of two and three stories. The western portion of the building is two (2) stories (approximately 30 feet) and the remaining portion of the building is three (3) stories (approximately 44 feet).
- Building Setbacks
The GDC states that buildings exceeding thirty feet in height, and that abut a residential district, must be set back from the residential district line a minimum of 1.25 times the height of the highest point on the building above grade.
Per the calculation, the 3-story portion of Building 2 should be fifty-five (55) feet from the property line. The site plan (Exhibit C) shows the 3-story portion of Building 2 to be forty-nine (49) feet from the property line.
In addition, the GDC does not allow any carports or amenity building to be located within a building setback. The site plan (Exhibit C) reflects the carports along the northern property lines to be located within the building setback in order to provide additional screening. The amenity building to the north is also within the building setback.
The site plan (Exhibit C) meets all other setback requirements.
- Amenities
The GDC requires indoor common or recreational areas to be provided at a ratio of at least one hundred square feet of gross floor area per dwelling unit. Per the calculation, a total of 17,600 square feet of indoor common or leisure area is required. The site plan (Exhibit C) reflects a 2,943 square-foot amenity building and 15,000 square-foot of outdoor amenities.
The amenities may be refined as the project moves forward. The applicant is working with a consultant to design the most appropriate amenities for this development.
- Dwelling unit/mix
The submittal materials indicate compliance with the required unit size and mix. More specifically:
Minimum dwelling unit size.
Required one-bedroom: 475 square feet
Proposed: 719 square feet
Number of units: 140 units
Required two-bedroom: 725 square feet
Proposed: 1,208 square feet
Number of units: 36 units
- Screening and Landscaping
The GDC requires forty (40%) percent of the site to be landscaped. The landscape plan (Exhibit D) shows twenty-four (24%) of the site to be landscaped.
A masonry wall or an ornamental fence with masonry columns is required along the entire perimeter of the property. The applicant proposes an eight (8)-foot masonry wall along the northern and western perimeter of the property, where it is adjacent to the residential district. Large canopy trees are required every twenty-five (25) linear feet. The applicant proposes a combination of high-level and low-level screening shrubs in lieu of the large canopy trees due to the unique nature of the site. Large canopy trees provided to meet the parking lot landscape island requirement are located near the masonry wall.
The landscape plan (Exhibit D) also reflects a six (6)-foot wood fence with masonry columns above a retaining wall along the eastern and southwestern perimeter lines, adjacent to the dental office. A row of evergreen screening shrubs are required and the applicant is not proposing any.
The applicant is not proposing any screening along West Centerville Road.
- Building Design
The building design complies with the architectural elements and articulation requirements of the GDC.
- Transportation
A Traffic Impact Analysis was not required with this development. The Transportation Department reviewed the proposal and it meets technical requirements.
An emergency access-only gate with a Knox padlock is provided at the Shadwell Drive access point per the Fire Department.
There is a DART bus stop in front of the subject property, along West Centerville Road.
- Signage
No deviations were requested regarding signage.
- The applicant requests several deviations from the GDC. The table below indicated the deviation as proposed.
Development Standards |
Required |
Proposed |
Applicant's Justification |
Density |
32 dwelling units per acre |
41 dwelling units per acre |
The unique site layout warrants this approach, and the applicant believes the proposed unit mix is conducive of the intent of the future land use plan for this property. |
Building Height |
50 feet |
The applicant proposes a maximum height of 59 feet, including the roof pitch. |
Given the project aligns with that of an urban-style multifamily development, the slight increase in height is to be expected. Additional measures have been taken to ensure the building height do not negatively impact adjacent single-family properties including screening, plantings, etc. The Community Office (CO) District does not have a building height maximum; therefore, a fifty-nine (59)-foot building, subject to a fifty-foot (50') setback, would currently be permitted by right. |
Building Setback |
Buildings over 30 feet in height requires a setback of 1.25 times the height of the building. Carports and Amenity Building are not allowed to be located within the building setback. |
The 3-story portion of Building 2 should be fifty-five (55) feet from the property line. The site plan (Exhibit C) shows the 3-story portion of Building 2 to be forty-nine (49) feet from the property line. Both structures are located within building setback. |
Given the project aligns with that of an urban-style development, the slight increase in height is to be expected. Additional measures have been taken to ensure the building stories/height do not negatively impact adjacent single-family properties including reduced building height along adjacencies, perimeter screening, plantings, visibility reductions for tenants on upper floors, etc. These structures act as a buffer and provide additional screening. |
Amenities |
A total of 17,600 square feet of indoor common or leisure area is required. |
2,943 square-foot amenity building and 15,000 square-foot of outdoor amenities |
Due to the unique orientation of the site and the desire to limit building stories/height and mitigate impact on residential adjacencies, the applicant located the amenities outside of the main buildings. An amenity building/indoor pool is provided at the northeast corner of the subject property, with sidewalk circulation through the site to encourage residents to enjoy the several outdoor amenity spaces provided. |
Covered Parking |
50% of the parking spaces should be covered |
31% proposed |
With recent updates to the GDC, Multifamily base zoning no longer requires covered parking in any capacity (the special standards for "senior independent living" require covered parking to be provided). Covered parking structures are placed intentionally along the northern property line along the residential adjacencies to act as additional screening at the request of the adjacent residents. |
Landscaping |
40% of the gross platted area should be landscaped. |
24% |
The applicant optimized the site layout and amenity areas to provide as much landscape area as possible, and they are providing more landscape area than what currently exists with the former assisted living development. They have also intentionally designed these landscape areas to increase value (walking areas, BBQ grills, picnic tables, pet waste stations, etc). Plantings have been provided throughout to match the intent of landscape requirements. |
Screening |
Perimeter screening is required along the entire property. Either a six (6) foot masonry wall or a six (6) foot ornamental metal fence with masonry columns with large canopy trees and evergreen shrubs. |
The applicant proposes an eight (8) foot masonry wall with high and low level screening shrubs along the northern and western perimeter lines. No canopy trees are provided. A six (6)-foot wood fence with masonry columns is proposed along the southwestern and eastern perimeter lines without any evergreen shrubs. No perimeter screening is proposed along West Centerville Road. |
The site layout has been adjusted as much as possible, but given the unique nature of the site, leaves only enough room along the perimeter for the required masonry screening wall along with plantings smaller in size than the required large canopy trees. Various planting options have been added to try and meet the intent of this requirement, with a focus on providing adjacent single-family properties with adequate screening from the development. |