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Council Work Session
Meeting Date:
Pickleball Courts - Contract Amendment
Submitted By:
Bryan Chodkowski
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Council Work Session
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Agenda Item Description or Legislation Title
Pickleball Courts - Contract Amendment
Purpose and Background
The City adopted Resolution No. 2023-R-7294 on June 26, 2023 which authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract with Total Tennis, Inc. for the repair and refurbishment of the City's pickleball courts. The total cost for this contract is an amount not to exceed $191,000 and provides for a total playing surface of 34' X 58' for courts that measure 20' X 44'. Upon further consideration, the City desires to ensure that the authorized repairs and refurbishment of the pickleball courts meet the USA Pickleball Rule Book which recommends a total playing surface of 30’ X 60'.
An amendment to the City’s current contract with Total Tennis, Inc. is necessary to ensure that the authorized repairs and refurbishment of the pickleball courts meet the USA Pickleball Rule Book standards. This legislation would authorize the City Manager to amend the scope of work now under contract with Total Tennis, Inc to ensure repairs and refurbishment of the pickleball courts meet the USA Pickleball Rule Book recommended total playing surface of 30’ X 60’ for a cost not to exceed $240,600.
Fiscal Impact
Source of Funds:
Parks And Recreation Fund
Recurring Cost? (Yes/No):
Funds Available in Current Budget? (Yes/No):
Financial Implications:
$191,000 has already been appropriated to this project. The amendment, if approved, would add $49,600, for a total appropriation of $240,600. This appropriation includes a 15% contingency.
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